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July 26, 2023
3 minutes

Checklist for Service Provider Planning to Invest in Network Performance Monitoring for Mobile Networks

RFI Template for Mobile Network Performance Monitoring Solutions

RFI Template for Mobile Network Performance Monitoring Solutions

Request for information process, also known as RFI, is a way to obtain relevant information and knowledge about the market before creating and sending RFPs to different vendors of interest. In the case of service providers where a formal tendering process is a must in most of the cases, an RFI template can be a handy tool for gathering structured information and, as a result, selecting the right solution.  

Depending on requirements of the service provider and the type of solution/technology they are looking for, the RFI document can have a very different structure and outlook. The scope and the size of such a document are also varying greatly from case to case. However, we find it common that RFI documents try to cover multiple functionalities, technologies, requirements, and even areas. The application area of the solution/technology is also a key to writing a good RFI.

When we talk about service providers, we know how much effort and recourses it takes to keep the infrastructure up-to-date and relevant. At the same time, it is understandable that it is hard for service providers to keep track of various technologies and solution areas and their development. A few challenges of creating an RFI document are:

  1. Consider and keep in mind all of the necessary technology areas for investment. 
  2. Understanding of the key features and functionalities. 
  3. Having a compleate overview and specifying requirement details. 
  4. Understanding of service evolution and functionalities required at that stage.

With the increasing use of networks, video streaming, 5G, and new complex use cases, performance monitoring became a crucial component for any service provider network. Therefore, to cover performance monitoring requirements in their development projects service providers have to consider multiple questions in their RFIs.

To assist service providers in finding the best solution for their needs, we already prepared Network Service Monitoring Solution RFI Template earlier. This RFI Template is designed to help answer a variety of questions applicable to different networks. As the template was very popular and we have heard a lot of positive feedback, we have decided to create an RFI template that would focus on Mobile Network Monitoring solutions only. So next time you look for relevant questions on mobile performance monitoring requirements you can use our comprehensive checklist of questions on requirements on performance management and service assurance area. Get your comprehensive RFI Template for Mobile Network Performance Monitoring Solutions now:

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